During the early winter of 1996 Steamtown held a winter special for photographers. The event took up 2 days with a night photo session included on Saturday night. The star of the show was the Milwaukee Road northern 261 which was visiting Steamtown.
This is the 261 roaring through the back woods of eastern PA
Here is the first view of the star of the show in the 261.
on a photo runby. There is not a greater feeling than a large steam engine
running at
The 261 is a big northern perfect for pulling long trains over
high speed on a great day.
tough grades. The Lackawanna who built the route had many locomotives
like the 261. The engine is blasting out of Nay Aug tunnel on the way
to Tobyhanna.
The next stop for the 261 and train was the Elmhurst reservoir.
This is the 261 backing up to pick up the photographers after
Here the 261 performed 3 runby's for the crowd, this is the first.
the photo runby, what a great looking locomotive.
This is the final runby that the 261 did before heading for
This another one of the runby's at Elmhurst, look at the
Tobyhanna. The wall at right is the border to the reservoir holding a large
huge amount of smoke that the 261 is generating.
of Scranton's water.
The 261 has coupled onto the train back at Steamtown where
The 261 and train proceeded to Tobyhanna where the CP2317 coupled
it will perform some more runby's for the crowd. Look at the mountains
and the
on for the return trip back to Scranton, there was no turning area
for the 261 2317 in the background.
here so it couldn't lead on the way back.
An exhausted 261 waits to uncouple and head back to the roundhouse
Here is a head-on shot of the 261's smoke box. Notice the bell, the
air horn where it will be prepped
for the night photo session. The building in the back is the
and the red marker.
parking garage for the Steamtown mall.
Here is the 261 with the DLW plow and the CP. 2317.
This the 261 posed in front of the Bridge 60 tower at Steamtown. This
was The lighting for the
night photo session was great as shown in the photo and
the start of a long night photo session with the 261 and the other
Steamtown the people did a great job manipulating
the locomotives and scenery.
locomotives and rolling stock. The tower handles dispatching for the
Delaware and Lackawanna short line.
The final shot of the night was with the 261 and the DLW plow.
The plow is still used to clear the line for Steamtown trains.